
multiple successes

***this was yesterday's post, delayed by no internet*** 
This was my get-back-into-it CrossFit Driveway day.  In the cold days of Maine’s winter, that really means working out inside my garage.  It still feels like I’m outside on the driveway. Today, however, I ran my little heater for about 20 mins before I headed out there and it actually did help cut the bite of the cold.  I count that as my first success!
During the pre-heating of my garage, I figured out my WOD based on the fact that I hadn't done one in a week and I knew I wanted it to be a good metcon. I also got a 20" box for Christmas and wanted to use it. :) I came up with what I felt was a successful metcon.  More on that later...
Usually working out at home means I have to go through my warm up routine twice because I get distracted half way through the first warm up by some chore I see that needs doing.  Ha, not very badass of me!! Today, however, I set everything up I needed for my WOD, looked around me to make sure I could resist chore-temptation, and actually got through my warm up and continued right on into the WOD! This was a big success for me!
The WOD I did was as follows:
Alternating TABATA x 3:
1) KB swings (35#) + BJs (20") = 7+7
(I did the BJs full hip extension and alternated between stepping down and jumping down for the sake of practice.)
rest 1½ mins
2) air squats + DUs = 12 + 17
(I'm happy that on one of the DU 20 secs I got 32~~even though I knew it wouldn't count in my scoring. :) )
rest 1½ mins
3) sit ups + PP (25# plate) = 10 + 15 
(I realized after the first PP that I should have gone with the 45# bar for more of a challenge, but now I know!)
=total time of 15 mins
(next time I do something like this, I’ll only rest 1 min between each alternating TABATA)

This was just what I needed to get my heart rate up and get many different movements in.  Then after a bit of a rest, I played with some ring L sits.  Oh, they were successful in that I was laughing at myself trying to do them!  Laughter can always be counted as a success.  What they actually ended up being were 3 x 15 secs of 'knees bent' ring sits.  The third one was a semi-controlled mess! ;)
To top everything off, I found a quarter in the washing machine!
Yes, today was a successful day. ;)


  1. You can always count every rep in a Tabata as well. Then your 32-rep DU masterpiece could have even more meaning. Meanwhile, I'm impressed you managed full hip extension on a BJ, since that feat is normally reserved for dwarves. 1 part useful, 1 part jackass. That's the comment equivalent of an Arnold Palmer.

  2. Hey Annie, thanks for putting the pen to the paper, the fingers to the keyboard, the mutterings to the monitor (I'll do anything for a rhyme)... Inspiring to read and not only that well and entertainingly written...

  3. Hello Professor!!!

    And to Brian, thanks. Just so I don't use the pen on the keyboard and start muttering with my fingers I'll be okay. =)

  4. Yeah yeah yeah, awesome job, great workout, you're inspiring, WHATEVER.
    More importantly, I think I lost a quarter when I did laundry up there last. Can you send it via homing beacon down to Chattanooga? :P
    Great job mom! Did pops put together the box or did you wield the screwdriver of doom? ;)
