*Six Reps of Separation*...yep, that's us.
Six reps of separation from BACON.
Oh, c'mon, you know this is too perfect!
(just in case you don't know to what I'm referring...)
The simple fact is, we are a group of people who meet in an environment with a focus on health and wellness. CrossFitters are not ageist or sexist or elitest. We are humans. No one cares how far into the journey a fellow CFer is, they just know that we all understand there is nothing better than taking those steps needed to keep committed to one's well-being. The path is rarely straight and smooth, but it's always open.
The best thing is that this focus doesn't end at a box door. As individuals, we take it into the world, this feeling of wellness, and it ripples out into our lives outside the box. Of course, we feel so good we hope to bring other people into it. We want to share. We are not an exclusive 'club' in the least. Hard for some to believe, but it's true. Go take a free CrossFit class somewhere and find out first hand!
One huge lesson I've learned over the years I've been CrossFitting is to tone down my enthusiasm when I am asked "what do you do". After that initial euphoric connection to CrossFit occurs within your soul and you see how much better a version of yourself you are becoming, it's r.e.a.l.l.y hard not to come off like you're off your rocker when you share your love of CF in answer to that question. Oh, how easily some people glaze over or simply back away. :) That's when you realize that you have to tone yourself down. While I find it impossible not to infuse my words with joy and excitement, the answer to that question definitely makes more of an impact when I say it without jumping up and down and throwing in a few air squats as a demo!
As for our growing but equally intimate community, no matter who we may meet in CrossFit, we are always only six reps of separation from each other...and bacon.
Yay bacon!! I tell people I am aging backwards -- look and feel 5 years younger than I looked and felt two years ago.... That usually piques their curiosity.