

It always seems that the change of seasons elicit changes of outlooks in humans as well. This Summer of 2012 heading into Autumn of 2012 is no different.  I've been hearing mutterings and musings all around me of thoughts reaching beyond what is *status quo*.  It's frickin' exciting!

Experimenting with new outlooks, adventures, foods, etc. can be really scary.  There's something wonderful about being reminded by nature that it's not only okay to experiment and change, but it's necessary. 
Well, of COURSE it's necessary because change happens whether we want it to or not.  The excitement of change occurs when we are bold enough to self-direct it, even at the risk of crashing! 

CrossFit has helped me in so many ways, not the least of which has been learning that failure is not really a word worthy of owning.  In CrossFit, we can modify any movement to accommodate our *rehabbing* bodies, our nervousness about a particular movement, even our battered bodies from the previous night's partying. (Wait, CrossFitters party?? :P ) The muscle memory we rely on to learn the movements in CrossFit applies to our brains as well.  While having a day where the WOD owns you instead of you owning the WOD is not fun, you know the opposite will occur soon, if not the very next WOD.  Learning that a WOD that owns you does not mean you have failed, rather you just need to work at the WOD's movements more, is why you keep going back to your box. Results are as constantly varied as the workouts.  You're reminded to be adaptable. 

Autumn is almost here according to the calendar.  Hearing people talk about trying something new, be it a 10K race, a Paleo challenge, a career change, a new sport, etc, is motivating.  It ripples out into the minds of those around you, so never be afraid to let others know what new adventure you may be contemplating.  There is no failure in undertaking an experience in life that doesn't work out.  If you don't, then life becomes about what you can't do, what you are afraid to do, what you won't do instead of looking at life in terms of what you can do, what you can try, what you will experience.  There's no failure in any of that.  Be self-directed in your experiences.  Own them!

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