
time cap

It's early April...or is it a WEEK into April already...
*gulp* That means the time cap on taxes is right around the corner. 
I put alllll the blame on my children for growing up and finishing college and not needing me to fill out FAFSAs anymore as the reason I procrastinate on my taxes now.  Geez, how inconsiderate of them to take that motivation away from me!

And let me just say, time caps suck...for taxes, for getting projects done, for CrossFit WODs!  I'm not a fan.  Yet those time caps are what keep the motivation going when there are just a few days or just a few minutes left.  Damn them!

I like to feel when I start something that finishing it will be a certainty regardless of a fixed time frame.  That's always the goal.  Some things are a must to finish...taxes and __________(fill in the blank).  Then there are those time caps that are implemented so you are forced to be done by a certain time whether the activity is complete or not, as in the capped WOD.  I understand it, but I don't like it.  I adhere to that, so I'll log where I am at the end of the cap, but finish the WOD anyway.  It's how I operate...the need to finish...or is that the ever popular human need for "closure"...not sure, but it's really hard for me to leave something unfinished.

The time cap on taxes is right around the corner so I s u p p o s e I should actually be working on completing those instead of muttering about my desire to complete things.  If only I had college FAFSAs to fill out for my children...wait, no, what am I saying???  I love my children, but this is one time cap I know I can beat on my own! 

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