
learning the lay of the land

I took a really fun and challenging class yesterday at CrossFit Beacon.  It was fun because the energy of the class was light yet focused.  It was challenging for a few reasons. 

First and most obvious, all CF classes are challenging even if the particular day's WOD is not that involved.  That's what keeps us CFers coming back with a vengeance...we get through a challenging day only to be able to come back and stare down more challenges in the days to come because it feels so damn good. 

Secondly, the WOD was the benchmark, "Helen". 
It's 3rds for time of: 400m run/21 kettlebell swings (55#men + 35#women)/12 pullups (plu)
Anything with running is a challenge for me. haha  I loath and cringe don't mind running anymore, but it's a goat of mine and let's face it, goats are never embraced with love. :)  We embrace them coolly and half-heartedly only because we HAVE to!

Thirdly, the class was a challenge because learning how best to utilize the space at Beacon is so new.  Every time you move into a new space, you know it takes a while to learn the lay of the land, what works best, how the energy flows most efficiently, etc.  That is what's going on right now in this beautiful big space...new equipment to get a feel for, new running path, spaces still needing to be filled up with energetic vibrations.  I found that to be very interesting as I began to set up for "Helen".  Putting on my New Balance shoes, picking out my KB, and choosing one of the many plu bars to use were all familiar to me, and yet I still needed to think about it.  Actually, it's exciting to be feeling this newness right along side our emerging community at Beacon.  The realization is awesome that coaches or members, new CrossFitters or experienced, we are all contributing to filling the box with a rhythm and lightness and focus that was the basis of the class yesterday. 

And despite all the maneuvering through "Helen" in the new space, I pr'd her, as did two of my classmates.  Three rings on the pr bell...not a bad way to start breaking in Beacon!!

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