
forgive me....

...I know my form sucked!

That's how I felt after Open WOD 13.1.
After I had a chance to recover.
After I reviewed my output.
After I stopped shuddering and feeling mildly embarrassed. 
Forgive me Beacon athletes, because I know my form sucked.

This is the first competitive, balls to the wall moment that some of my athletes whom I coach have seen me in.  They've seen me as an athlete because we WOD together in class side by side.  In class, I'll won't let my form and technique go too far eschew...well, within the limits of their current level of form and technique!

This time, in the last few minutes of 13.1, I knew I had to get those 75# snatches up. Of the 13 I got, I can honestly say there were only about 4 that felt pretty good at that point, which means my form must have been close. Better form, better lifts...that's always the goal. The rest were efforts that I was happy are over and no videos to review.  I don't need them. I could feel the disconnect I was going through. 
At my CrossFit Level 1 Certification course, our instructors talked about competition being a different moment in time with movement.  They were saying that as hard as we try to keep form, we have to allow for a little "slop" to occur when we compete and are exhausted. From a coaching standpoint, cue the best you can to your athlete, but know that it may not change form.  They were saying its inevitable for most of us.  This never seemed anything other than fact.  But then, I had not yet been in a position as coach/athlete until now.

I knew there were people watching who are the same people whose form and technique I coach and cue.  During those moments, that never left my head.  Yet at the same time, I knew I needed to get those suckers up.  Dave was reminding me of my form, which helped, but I still couldn't quite execute in part because I couldn't breathe deep enough to get a good set on the bar, butt down, chest up.  CRAP! Okay, so eff it, I'm still going to get that bar up because every rep counts. 

Yeah, as I said, it was a little embarrassing. It was also a surprise.  I feel I have a responsibility as a coach.  At the same time, in that moment, I had a "job" to do.  So while I keep working on my own form and technique, I will still coach and cue the best I can so my athletes will continue to get better and stronger.

I'm guessing there may be repeat moment of technique breakdown during the 4 remaining Open WODs, so please, Beacon Peeps, feel free to yell coaching cues at me mid-WOD!!  JUST DO IT!
And in the meantime, forgive me because I know my form sucked! :)

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