
all of a sudden..

"What made you come into CrossFit Beacon today?"
"I have tried everything and I'm not seeing any changes in my body.
 I am looking to gain strength and lose body fat."
"AWEsome! You commit to yourself that you are worth getting here at least 3x/week and you will see the changes you have been working toward."
"That sounds like a lot. I'm not sure I can get in that often."
~~fear of the unknown / fear of past let-downs both creep into thoughts~~
"If you make a promise to someone else, you'll likely do whatever you can to honor that promise.  Why, then, can you not do the same for yourself?  You are worth it.  Stick with your commitment to get here at least 3x/week for three months and YOU WILL SEE CHANGES."
"Okay, I can do that."

Working toward *fitness* is a commitment like any other activity you want to get better at.  Some days it's easy to get to the box, get your WOD on, and enjoy the camaraderie of your classmates.  Other days you just want to curl up in a chair with your pet, a book, the tv, coffee...you can do that too...on your rest day!! :)  That's a balance we all need.  The beauty is that if you go about your life and incorporate good nutrition and a variety of  quality, functional movements at high intensity as programmed in CrossFit, your body will be quietly changing along with your confidence levels, your ability to move through your world, and your overall fitness levels that go far beyond mere 'wellness'.  All of a sudden, at about three months (give or take a couple weeks, depending on your personal follow-through), you'll notice changes you probably didn't think possible. 
You'll get lots of high-fives/fist bumps/an occasional chest bump in celebration of your efforts, so be prepared!
You'll be very happy you honored your commitent to yourself!!

**below is taken from CrossFit's definition of fitness**

'Measurable health' can be looked at
as in this model:
sickness -> wellness -> fitness
A person can have wellness but not
be fit. To quote CrossFit HQ,
"Fitness is and should be
All of this said, it's never too late to move toward fitness. There may be things going on with your body that stem from previous sicknesses, unhealthy nutrition practices of the past, etc.  That does not mean, however, that there isn't the possibility of progressing toward fitness and having the health that will help you live a happier life.

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