

...so I can do what I love: coach
A few weekends ago I headed to Reebok CF One to revalidate my CF Level 1 coaching certificate. 5 years have passed since my first one. 5 years!
It got me thinking about how fast 5yrs as gone by, and how much I've fit into that time.
While my CF journey began over 5yrs ago (May '10), to have this definitive time frame brings my experiences into perspective. #nevertooold

In 5 years:
I've been very thankful to have been a 2x Games athlete, finishing 2nd and 8th respectively. I met the most amazing people at the Games who continue to inspire me through their FB posts revealing their tenaciousness at continuing to move into they later years with passion...and to move heavy shit and stay healthy in mind and body. Forever grateful for them!!

Hard work and amazing memories
In 5 years:
Those years of training hard as an athlete definitely transferred over to my coaching outlook and ability. Because of that, during the past 5yrs I continued to increase my knowledge base by getting many more certifications in both CF and other related health & fitness outside the CF community. Love of what you do organically creates the drive to learn more. That hasn't ended because I still love what I do. When it does end, then I'll know it's time to move on. #nevertooold

In 5 years:
Although my desire to compete has ended, my passion for coaching has not. My passion for working specifically with people who are looking for a better quality of life, however that may look for them, is what truly
                                               gets me excited! #nevertooold

We all start somewhere. :)
That is, after all, why I ventured into my first CF gym! I was 54. One of the oldest athletes in the gym, I just wanted to be there for me. My progress was on my own time frame. That's the goal. You may want to venture out of your comfort zone, but you don't need to look past your own body for the drive to live more functionally! #nevertooold

A first triathlon at 58? Sure, why not!

Now knocking on the door of 60, I'm forever thankful that I didn't let the mentality of age get in the way of trying something new. CF, as my blog description states, has taught me more about myself than I ever knew existed within me. It's also opened up a life I never imagined! New directions in this journey are continually appearing and formulating. Linear paths are pretty much impossible if you stay open to options. #nevertooold

One of the biggest joys is that I know I can trust my body, even if it's not always working at capacity at times. I know there is always a way to do what I want to do. I can trust that I can figure that out.
Because of that, as every new year turns over, what my annual intention has become is to try something new. It's pretty amazing what happens when age doesn't take on a primary role in your desire to lead an open life! #nevertooold