
sleep again

There's always lots of talk about recovery in relation to the demands of CrossFit. General suggestions are: lots of water, protein, 1-2 rest days, mobility.  What I usually forget to mention is SLEEP!  Sleep is the ultimate recovery.  Sleep also tends to be extremely overlooked when it comes to health.

One reason I set a goal for 2013 to be better about my time management was so that I could create a habit of 'shutting down' earlier in the evening and getting more sleep. So far, not so good. :/  Remembering I had written about this once before, I am re-posting as a reminder...




Sleep. It can be a seductive embrace that holds you all night. It can also be a seductive embrace that quickly morphs into an ornery toddler. There is little, if any, indication as to which personality you'll be dealing with when you lay your head down on the pillow each night. Well, at least not for a middle-ager like me.

Sleep. It's perhaps the most restorative aide we can give our bodies and our minds. It allows for the day's barrage of physical movement and mental stimulation to dissipate and dissolve. If we are lucky, we dream colorful dreams. If we are even luckier, we just sleep.

Sleep. It's one area of 'training' that CrossFitters and other movers and shakers know is completely necessary for optimum gains. It's one area of 'training' that often gets overlooked because we are used to overlooking its importance. We know we need it, but our tendency is to cut into our sleep time in order to have an extra hour or two so as to have time for other things. If our time management was better.......

Sleep. It needs to take a priority. Oh, how I want it to take a priority! Sometimes, like today after having a double session of WODding and not sleeping well last night, I want to know that sleep will embrace me all night. I will take what I can get and be happy with that. I also know that if I could turn off my brain alllllll night, I would not have an issue falling back to sleep should I wake up when I stir.

Sleep. It sounds so delicious when you think about it in the middle of the afternoon when all you really want is to close your eyes for an hour. It also sounds delicious when we think of the comfie mattress, soft pillows, and perfect sheets.

Sleep. It feels so great after a long busy day to be able to relax into your mattress and drift off, ever hopeful.

Sleep. Here's hoping that tonight, everyone gets embraced instead of trounced on by that ornery toddler!

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