
practice the intangible

I practice to become proficient at _______________.

This is easy, right?
To practice something tangible is indeed easy.
You make the time to do it.
CrossFitters do it every time we walk up to a barbell.

To practice something intangible is hard.
You practice breaking through comfort zone patterns.
You practice digging internally to compartmentalize fears and allow the possibilities of your real truths in.
You practice steeling yourself against reactions.
You practice word choices in your head to become proficient at saying  ________________.

Practice the intangible.
Become proficient with your words.
Words are the tools for your truth.


giving notice

Giving notice: as individuals, how we notice things that occur in our lives.

This is not a new idea. Of course we all notice our lives based on our backgrounds. Those shape our view.  The simplicity of the word resonates with me. We complicate things by feeling we need to detail/define/declare everything we talk about. Not true...at least from my perspective. ;)
My father-in-law used to call this unnecessary verbiage "suet".

Not all interactions require response. Not all interactions mean there's a connection with each other deep enough to want to respond. That's okay.
It's just beneficial to give notice to how another person notices life.
It's just beneficial to give notice to how you yourself notices life, and how you choose your words to support your life.

A favorite quote from John Demartini: